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Archives for June 2016

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Urban Youth Pastor Podcast

Blake Sheidt and his friend Joel Brown, the youth pastor at New Song Presbyterian Church in Sandtown, share what they've learned in their combined 20+ years of experience as urban youth pastors. Tune in here!...

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A Glimpse at the General Assembly

In June 2016, the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) convened with the theme "Refreshed In and For the Cross." Pastors from across the country met and passed an overture recognizing, confessing, condemning and repenting of "corporate and historical sins," including racial transgressions....

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FCF is hosting Summer@Faith, including various different evening programs throughout the summer. Learn more about and sign up for Bible Camp, PLANarts (an exploration in music, visual art, dance, and slam poetry), and a Summer Reading Program. Summer@Faith will be all summer in 2016 from June 21 until August 4, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm....

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