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Welcome to Faith Christian Fellowship!

If you're a visitor, we don't want you to feel that way for long. Our Connections Ministry strives to help everyone who comes to FCF find their place here. If you would like to learn more about our church or get involved, please:

  1. Fill out a Connections Card (located on the backs of the pews) during the service and place it in the offering plate during the offertory or bring it to the Connections Desk in the lobby following the service. This will let us know who you are, and it is also the first step to getting a myFCF account, which will help you to connect with ministries in the church. 
  2. Visit the Connections Desk in the lobby to receive a welcome packet and to speak with a member about the church and any questions you might have.
  3. Let us know what ministries you're interested in by filling out this online form and we will connect you with the appropriate leader. You can learn more about our ministries by visiting the Grow and Serve pages on this site, or by picking up one of our ministry brochures on the wall outside of the church sanctuary. 
  4. Attend our Discovery Series Soul Food course to meet our pastors, learn more about our church, church membership, and discover how you can best use your gifts for ministry in our body.  We offer these multiple times throughout the year: check our calendar for specific dates.