Welcome to our Youth Ministry page!
"D-Group" (Discipleship Group) is a ministry for middle and high schoolers who would like a safe place to make friends, have fun, and learn about Jesus.
We meet at Faith Christian Fellowship on the corner of Greenmount and 42nd St on Sunday evenings for high schoolers and on Monday evenings for middle schoolers. On the first Sunday of the month we combine both middle and high school and meet for a Testimony and Worship Night. *There is no middle school d-group following the first Sundays of the month. All evenings are from 6:30-8:30pm.
If you know of a middle or high schooler who would benefit from a weekly youth group, don't hesitate to email youth@fcfchurch.org.
- Julian Hague, Youth Director
2024-2025 Waivers Click Here
Follow us on Instagram! Click here.
Download our song, "All Day All Night" and see
our 2024 D-Group Youth Retreat Video Here!
Merch Order Form: click Here.
D-Group Evening Timeline:
6:30-7pm - free time
7-7:40pm - lesson
7:40-8pm - breakout / notebook activity
8-8:30pm - group game
Upcoming Events:
- please RSVP for each event that includes travel or food.
- To request a scholarship for an event that costs, contact Mr. Julian.
- Events subject to change and cancelation. Signup for the text remind app for the most up to date and current reminders.
February 22nd, 3-5pm:
Ice Skating at Mt. Pleasant
-$5 admission $3 skate rental
- Meet at FCF parking lot @ 2:30pm for rides
May 2-4rd:
Youth Retreat @ Black Rock Retreat Center
June 8nd:
Last Spring D-Group Party
June 15-21st:
Week Long Service Project. Click here for info.
Donate here.