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FCF comes together weekly for Sunday morning services to glorify God together in worship and to grow deeper in our love for and knowledge of Christ. We rely on many faithful servants to carry out these services through the following ministries:  


Usher-001As the first people worshippers come in contact with upon entering our church, ushers extend hospitality and a friendly greeting to encourage congregants to enter into a spirit of worship as they enter the sanctuary. Ushers are responsible for the care of the church building as well as every person who enters it. We prepare communion and ready the baptism bowl; we receive, count, and put away the offering; we take a head count of everyone in attendance in the sanctuary, nursery, and Friends of Jesus class; we maintain order in the lobby and main hall; and we inform everyone when the Christian Education hour is beginning or ending. Ushers serve one Sunday per month at either the 8:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. service.

Those wishing to volunteer should have a heart for welcoming God's people into FCF for worship. They must be members or in the process of membership and have a heart for God and a love for all his people. 

Contact: David Pitts by emailing Sundaymornings@fcfchurch.org

Scripture readers

Scripture readers read an assigned passage of Scripture during one of the Sunday morning worship services. Volunteers serve once every 3-4 months. Anyone who would like to share the Word of God with the congregation on a Sunday morning is welcome to volunteer.

Contact: fcfoffice@fcfchurch.org

Sound and Visual Media

The sound and visual media teams oversee the sanctuary sound and visuals for the Sunday morning worship services. We ensure the sound equipment is correctly functioning so that the services are free of distraction; we project the PowerPoints, and we record the sermons. We train all of our volunteers to use the necessary equipment.

Contact: sundaymornings@fcfchurch.org


The Sunday worship hospitality team is responsible for serving snacks and coffee to worshippers after each service. We seek to create a welcome atmosphere for fellowship and the joyful sharing of the love of God. Hospitality team members serve once per month during one of the services. We welcome anyone who enjoys food and conversation and has a heart for making others feel welcome.  

Contact: Sundaymornings@fcfchurch.org

Worship leaders

The music team leads the congregation each week in song and music to worship God and celebrate the reconciling work of Jesus Christ. We consist of vocalists and instrumentalists who serve our diverse congregation by offering a God-honoring, Christ-exalting blend of gospel, contemporary, traditional, and other musical styles.

Team members typically serve on a monthly rotation with Thursday night rehearsals:

  • Thursday at 7:30pm for band members
  • Thursday at 8:30pm for vocalists

We seek musicians with vocal or instrumental skill, a willingness to learn new songs and styles, and a heart for magnifying the greatness of God.

Contact: music@fcfchurch.org


FCF's United Voices of Faith choir is a unified body of skilled singers who offer a praise song during the service twice a month. Our choir sings gospel, contemporary, and classical genres in a variety of instrumentations. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the FCF Parlor.

We seek singers to join us with energy and joy (no experience needed).

Contact: choir@fcfchurch.org

Children's Ministries

Our children's ministry provides Nursery (ages 0-4) and Friends of Jesus (ages 4-7) during the worship services.