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The Women's Leadership Team is responsible for encouraging discipleship and outreach among women at Faith (Titus 2:3-5, Romans 16:1-3) through the oversight of women's ministries such as "Mom 2 Mom", the annual women's retreat, and women's prayer breakfast. The WLT also acts as liaison between women of the church and the Session on matters of concern to women.

Contact: wlt@fcfchurch.org

Women's Leadership Team Members

  leader-mary-ellen-castle    leader-chrissy-walsh
  Mary Ellen Castle         Chrissy Walsh
          (Co-chair)                   (Co-chair)

 leader-donna-float    leader-anne-johnson
      Donna Float            Anne Johnson

leader-anonymous-20240424   leader-carol-pfeffer
                                       Carol Pfeffer

leader-debbie-dortzbach    leader-stephanie-watkins
Debbie Dortzbach     Stephanie Watkins

FCF regards the contributions and leadership abilities of women in the church very highly. Although women are not eligible for ordained offices in the PCA, women who display gifts of leadership can serve on FCF's Women’s Leadership and Women’s Diaconal Teams, which partner with the elders and deacons to shepherd, guide, and serve the church. Women who serve on these leadership teams are nominated by members of both respective teams and are approved by the elders.