December 9, 2018
by Office Staff
Oh the weather outside is frightful! - in the event of inclement weather on a winter Sunday, the Session will decide whether or not we will hold our worship service. We will notify the church by email, on the website and Facebook, and via the church phone voicemail.
Food Pantry - we continue to have weekly visits to our Food Pantry by those who have needs...
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November 26, 2018
by Office Staff
Food Pantry - we continue to have weekly visits to our Food Pantry by those who have needs. Praise God that we are able to help feed the hungry. Right now, we need canned meat to help restock our Pantry. Simply drop off your donations in the baskets in the hallway or stop by the office during the week. Those in need may make an appointment during the wee...
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November 12, 2018
by Office Staff
Food Pantry - we continue to have weekly visits to our Food Pantry by those who have needs. Praise God that we are able to help feed the hungry. Right now, we need soups, peanut butter and jelly to help restock our Pantry. Simply drop off your donations in the baskets in the hallway or stop by the office during the week. Those in need may make an appointme...
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November 3, 2018
by Office Staff
TODAY: George Hopkins Seminar and Potluck and an evening of prayer...
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March 11, 2018
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
From May 18-20, 2018, we invite men to join us for a weekend retreat: a weekend away with time devoted to prayer, worship, teaching, and fellowship....
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December 3, 2017
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Celebrate Christmas with us at FCF! Join us for a Christmas Eve service at 9:30am and for an evening candlelight service at 7:00pm. Our New Year's Eve service will also be at 9:30am....
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August 21, 2017
by Office Staff
Faith Report
Earlier this summer, a cohort from FCF joined together to serve in Pen Lucy.
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August 14, 2017
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
If you've been wondering how to get to know people in the community, or are looking for a way to respond to the white supremacy evident in Charlottesville in a redemptive, gospel-centered way, or if you want to be part of God's kingdom movement in Pen Lucy, this is a great event to be part of.
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July 29, 2017
by Office Staff
One of the first tasks for the Pulpit Selection Committee is to create a church profile to attract the right pastoral candidates, but they need your help. We ask all FCF attendees as soon as possible. Regardless of how long you have been regularly attending FCF, your input is needed! If you want to help even more, there is a place on the survey where you can tell them what...
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July 23, 2017
by Office Staff
Pulpit Search Committee Survey-One of the first tasks for the Pulpit Selection Committee is to create a church profile to attract the right pastoral candidates, but they need your help. We askallFCF attendees (one per household) to completethis survey( as soon as possible. Regardless of how long you have bee...
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May 15, 2017
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
You are invited to join in Summer@Faith, a summer evening program for youth. Sign up for one, two, or all three evening programs!
You can sign up in a few ways:
Fill out the form on MyFCF (you do not need to log in).
Visit us at Faith Christian Fellowship to sign up.
Contact us by email at or call us at410-323-0202 ext 111
If you would li...
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March 4, 2017
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Are you still there God? Finding God when it hurts.
Register for the 2017 Women's Retreat, taking place April 28-30....
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January 10, 2017
by Office Staff
Join the church at Faith Christian Fellowship as we enter a strategic season of focused prayer and fasting from January 12-18, 2017 as we seek to grow individually and collectively in this means of grace. We provide a guide for you to use during this season. ...
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December 26, 2016
by Office Staff
Sermons and Teaching
Join us in the new year as we explore the theme of the true King and his expanding Kingdom in the Gospel of Matthew. We kick off the sermon series on New Years Day, 2017!...
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December 22, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
This year, we're hosting a Christmas Eve Candlelight Family Service on Saturday at 7pm and a single Christmas Day Service on Sunday at 11am, and a single New Years Day Service on Sunday, January 1 at 11am...
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July 19, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
FCF is hosting Wendell Kimbrough and Alys Keretses who will lead a night of hymns and praise....
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June 27, 2016
by Office Staff
Blake Sheidt and his friend Joel Brown, the youth pastor at New Song Presbyterian Church in Sandtown, share what they've learned in their combined 20+ years of experience as urban youth pastors. Tune in here!...
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June 27, 2016
by Office Staff
In June 2016, the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) convened with the theme "Refreshed In and For the Cross." Pastors from across the country met and passed an overture recognizing, confessing, condemning and repenting of "corporate and historical sins," including racial transgressions....
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May 27, 2016
by Office Staff
Sunday Services
FCF will hold one worship service on Sunday mornings for most of this summer. Our worship services will start at 9:30am and end around 11:00am.
Our desire is to accommodate the normally-lower summer attendance numbers, and also give a breather to many who serve so faithfully each week to lead two services of worship.
This one-service schedule will begin on June 19 and wi...
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April 26, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
The 2016 Men's Retreat will focus on "The Making of Mighty Men." We will explore the juxtaposition of ne'er-do-wells becoming "the Mighty Men of David," with irrelevant no-names transformed into the early church through their association with Jesus.
We will have games - and a huge hunk of Saturday to play them - and board games for the bored. Music, friendship, worship...
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April 19, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Register here!
Music for the Healing of the Nations
Meet us in Baltimore, MD this summer! We are thrilled to be hosting the 2016 New City Music national conference on multicultural worship.
The conference begins Thursday, July 7th, and ends Sunday, July 10th.
Hear from speakers from a wide range of cultural experiences and expertise, gain practical knowledge and insi...
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March 8, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Each April the women of FCF take an off-site weekend retreat to enjoy fellowship and teaching. It's a chance to recharge and meet with God, and get to know your FCF sisters better!
Come prepared for energetic worship, dynamic teaching, extended free time to hike, shop, or study, the spiritual renewal of a morning of Quaker-style worship, and especially fun!
The 2016 Retr...
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February 11, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Are you perplexed or distressed at the choices your adult children make? Are you confused about who they have become and what your relationship can or should look like now? Wondering what your role should be as a Christian parent of adults?
Come to the seminar we're hosting!
Parenting Adult Children: New Roles, Realistic Goals, and Navigating the Challenges
February 27t...
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February 10, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
On Saturday, February 20th, from 3pm to 6pm, come out to support FCF Youth Ministry over yummy food and entertainment!
This event is the sole fundraiser for students to be able to attend River Valley Ranch and other youth events. Plus, it's a TON of fun! Come on out and bring a friend!
RSVP on Facebook!...
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January 11, 2016
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Welcome to the most important ministry of FCF: Prayer
Download the prayer guide here.
In recognition of our weakness and dependency on God for all things, the officers of FCF call all members, leaders, and interested participants to join us for a focused season of strategic prayer and fasting for the glory of God and His good pleasure for Pen Lucy, Baltimore, and the wor...
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December 12, 2015
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
*Update* Here's the concert video!
If you click through to watch it directly on Youtube, there are links in the video description that you can click on to jump straight to the song of your choice.
*End of update*
Join us for FCF's annual Advent celebration: The Savior Reigns! Celebrate the season and the reconciling work of Jesus for ALL peoples through story, song, a...
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June 11, 2015
by Office Staff
You are invited to participate in the PLAN Summer Arts Program!
Through Summer Arts, you'll have the opportunity to:
learn music skills,
play musical instruments,
meet local musicians,
sing in a choir, and
perform in your community!
Who:Youth ages 8 through 13
Where:PLAN building at 505 E. 42nd St.
When:Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 pm / June 24th throug...
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May 22, 2015
by Office Staff
FCF was mentioned in the May/June 2015 issue of Relevant Magazine....
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May 8, 2015
by Office Staff
Counselor Kim Sutter recently taught a four-part Soul Food class on dealing with anxiety and fear. You can download the class handouts and audio recordings here.
Class 1: Audio, Handout 1, and Handout 2
Class 2: Audio and Handout
Class 3: Audio, Handout 1, and Handout 2
Class 4: Audio and Handout...
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February 21, 2015
by Office Staff
Sunday Services
Due to the wild winter weather, all meetings scheduled to take place at FCF on Sunday, February 22nd, are canceled.
If you are part of a community group that meets in a different location, contact your group leader to find out whether you're meeting.
Stay warm!...
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February 15, 2015
by Office Staff
Event Announcements
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Due to the inclement weather, the 8:30am service for today, February 15th, has been canceled. We intend to have the parking lot and sidewalks cleared in time for the 11am service.
In His Grace,Faith Leadership...
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February 14, 2015
by Office Staff
Sunday, February 15 at 4pm ...
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