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"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

FCF's Mercy Ministries exist to aid those who are facing a crisis or other difficulty and are in need of temporary relief. All of these ministries rely on donations and volunteers, and we welcome anyone who has a heart for mercy to assist in executing these ministries. Please see below for more specific volunteer requirements.

If you would like to volunteer for one of these ministries, please contact the Women's Diaconal Team at wdt@fcfchurch.org.  

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is for anyone in our church or community who needs food. The Food Pantry is open on an as-needed basis.

The Food Pantry needs volunteers to help put away donations (provided by the church body) and to help keep it clean and organized. The volunteer work is done based on volunteer availability. Anyone interested in helping meet the nutritional needs of those in our church and community is welcome to volunteer.

Meal Makers

The Meal Makers provide meals for individuals and families in crisis in our church on an as-needed basis. We are looking for volunteer "Meal Makers" who like to cook or are willing to bring store-bought food. 


The Transportation Ministry serves those in our body who are not able to meet their own transportation needs and who need help getting to medical or other important appointments.

Rides are provided on an as-needed basis.

Volunteers need to have a driver’s license and a car. Weekday availability is helpful.

Advent Bazaar

The Advent Bazaar is an annual event to raise money for the Deacons’ Fund, which is available to meet the needs of under-resourced families. The Bazaar features the artwork, crafts, and baking of FCF members/attenders and is held in conjunction with the Advent Concert each year at the beginning of December.

Volunteers are needed to donate items to sell as well as to setup/cleanup/run the bazaar.

Christmas Food Baskets

The Christmas Food Basket ministry provides a complete Christmas meal for those who need it.

They are delivered in the two weeks before Christmas.

The food baskets are assembled and delivered by the individual covenant groups. Volunteers are needed within each community group to coordinate the efforts.