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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 

FCF seeks to serve and bear witness in our "Jerusalem," which is our neighborhood of Pen Lucy, as well as "Judea" -- our region of Baltimore City, which is home to numerous large universities. Our ministries provide support, fellowship, crisis relief, and development initiatives that aim to bear witness to the gospel by improving the quality of life of individuals in these communities. 

Pen Lucy Action Network

Pen Lucy Action Network (PLAN) is FCF's nonprofit community development arm, which is committed to serving our neighborhood of Pen Lucy. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by building relationships with those in our community through numerous programs and outreach events. We currently offer:

• The PLAN Learning Center provides opportunities for children in 1st-8th grade to receive one-on-one tutoring in either math or reading. Students are matched with a committed volunteer tutor who addresses academic challenges, and mentors and encourages the youth to be the best version of themselves, academically and beyond. Students who participate in the Learning Center program often improve by as much as one grade level in their reading or math skills over the course of the year. 

PLAN Back-to-School and Christmas Stores, which provide low-cost items to Pen Lucy residents.

For more info, or to volunteer, contact Erin Kauffman at erin@fcfplan.org or visit www.fcfplan.org

University Connections Team

FCF is a temporary church home to many students from nearby universities, including Johns Hopkins, Morgan State, Loyola, and Towson. The University Connections Team aims to reach out to those students and help them fully engage in church life during their time with us. We seek members who will join us in building relationships with these students by attending our monthly lunches, serving as host families, and various other ways.

Contact: university@fcfchurch.org or visit fcfchurch.org/students