Quicklinks:  Sunday Service - Announcements - myFCF - Men's Retreat

FCF offers a variety of opportunities for adults to grow in your knowledge, understanding, and practice of God's Word including: 

Community Groups

Community Groups are small groups that gather weekly in members' homes around the city and surrounding area to study and discuss the Bible, to fellowship, and to pray.

Adult Christian Education

Soul Food is our weekly offering of Sunday morning classes that delve into books of the Bible or topics of interest to Christians.

Spiritual Formation and Counseling

Our Spiritual Formation ministry is our biblical counseling ministry, geared toward shepherding people through difficult circumstances and training lay counselors with a biblical framework for addressing life challenges. 

Metro Baltimore Seminary

MBS is a national seminary program based in Baltimore Metropolitan Region. Classes are open to any men and women who want to go deeper into the Bible, theology, and Christian ministry.