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Welcome! Here are some of the reasons people enjoy being involved at FCF.

We hope you'll join us this Sunday!

Before you come, learn more about

If you are curious about Jesus or the Christian faith

We would love for you to join us on a Sunday morning. Don't feel pressured to participate in the worship service, but please do talk with someone afterwards! You may also find the Christianity Explored website to be helpful.

If you have any questions that aren't answered on the website

Please contact the church office at 410.323.0202 or fcfoffice@fcfchurch.org

Here's what other people are saying about FCF: 

“I appreciate that Faith is an authentic community where people work hard at loving each other and are willing to get into the mess of each others' lives. There is a strong sense of grace at Faith.”

“I enjoy the kindness of our church that starts from our leadership down. They give people opportunities and encouragement to walk with the Lord and His people in a way that most churches don't have as much grace in. I also enjoy the variety of people that God has brought together at our church. It makes for a special experience in God’s kingdom this side of heaven.”

“Making it a priority to keep the diversity of God's Kingdom in the forefront of our minds is a real challenge. It's so much easier to settle for doing things in a way that makes sense to our own culture. Being faced daily with the task of understanding those who, aside from striving to walk with the same holy God I serve, are different in every way from me is sanctifying to my soul.”

“I appreciate the humble hearts of our leaders and their faith and perseverance in difficult times. I appreciate the opportunity to worship together with brothers and sisters, diverse as all our backgrounds are. I appreciate the continued efforts to improve, strengthen, and grow our church body through various ministries. I'm continually encouraged by the steady stream of new-comers (many of them babies) to our church. I see incredible potential for our church - I count it one of my greatest blessings to be a part of this congregation.”

What to expect  |  How to get here  |  How to get connected