Quicklinks:  Sunday Service - Announcements - myFCF - Men's Retreat

If you've never been to a Sunday service at FCF, you probably have questions. Here are some of the most common ones.

How do I get there?

Our building is located at 505 E 42nd Street, Baltimore MD 21218. You can get directions from your location here. If you are taking public transportation, we are just steps away from stops on the CityLink RED route.

Where do I park?

There is a parking lot directly adjacent to the church building (including handicap permit parking) as well as the North Lot (grass lot) directly across the street from the church building.

You can park anywhere on York Road, 41st Street, or Old York Road, except where parking is expressly prohibited. Please don't park directly in front of our neighbors' driveways.

How should I dress?

Come as you are! Our church has no dress code. People come wearing everything from t-shirts to bow ties. You might even see a few Ravens jerseys.

What's available for my kids?

Our children's ministry offers several ministries in which children can participate during the worship service. There is nursery provided during every service for children up to 4 years old. Right before the sermon, children 4 to 7 years old are dismissed for a  teaching time called Friends of Jesus. Of course, your children are also more than welcome to stay with you for the whole service.

What’s the music like?

Our music, like our congregation, is quite diverse. We sing a variety of contemporary praise songs and classic hymns, often rearranged into a jazz/gospel style. Offertory music ranges from classical to bluegrass to gospel choir. Here's a video of one of our worship services.

Am I expected to give money?

We do not put any pressure on guests to give! If you want to read more about our approach to money, you can read the section of our membership manual on giving here.

How long will the service last?

Our worship service lasts approximately 90 minutes.

What usually happens in a worship service? (our order of service)

  • Opening song              
  • Responsive call to worship (a responsive reading of scripture, usually a psalm, where the worship leader and the people read back and forth)
  • Songs of praise (usually two songs)
  • Confession of sin (a written confession that everyone reads aloud together, followed by a moment of silence for personal reflection)
  • Song of reflection    
  • Prayers of adoration (an opportunity for anyone to pray aloud to God with spontaneous prayers of praise)
  • Greeting (a brief opportunity for people to greet one another)
  • Announcements
  • Scripture reading
  • Tithes and offerings (collection plates are passed, usually accompanied by special music)
  • Friends of Jesus (children ages 4-7 are invited to go to a time of age-appropriate teaching) 
  • Message (a sermon based on a passage from the Bible)
  • Benediction (a scriptural blessing that concludes the service)

You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you're comfortable.

On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate the Lord's Supper, also known as Communion.

In what other ways can I participate on Sunday mornings?

If you are looking for more teaching in addition to the worship service, we offer both adult and children's Christian education after our Sunday worship service. Check out our Soul Food page for information on adult Christian Education and our children's ministry page for more on Children's Sunday School. 

Is the building wheelchair-accessible?

Yes! There is a ramp going up the left side of the church building.

If you have a question about our Sunday gatherings that wasn't answered here, please contact the church office! Our phone number and email are at the bottom of the website. We'd be glad to answer any questions you may have.