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Faith Christian Fellowship views prayer as our primary expression of dependence on God and an essential means of participating in the expansion of His Kingdom.

We gather regularly for corporate prayer to lift up various needs of the church body, and we invite anyone to join us who desires to petition our Heavenly Father to make His plans and purposes come to fruition among us.  

Sunday morning prayer

Pray for Sunday morning worship and other prayer needs of the church body, Sunday mornings, 8 a.m. in the nursing mother's room.

Join us to praise God and intercede for those in need during our Prayer Offering, Sunday mornings, 10:10 a.m. in the library.

Concert of prayer

Join us to pray for our church, community, city, nation and world, on the first Friday of each month, 7 p.m. in the Parlor. 

Prayer wrestlers

Join our email list for updates and pray for those in our midst who have requested prayer for specific needs in their lives. 

Connect with prayer ministries via myFCF or by emailing fcfoffice@fcfchurch.org.