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If you appear in a photo or video and you want it removed, please let us know and it will be taken down immediately.

The purpose of this policy is to govern the use of photographs, videos and other personal information that may be used in print or web publications.

Personal Information Policy

We have several basic groups of people that might be listed or referred to in our communications: pastors & staff, officers & ministry leaders, adult members & attenders, and youth & children.

  1. For pastors and staff, we list names, office email addresses, and office phone numbers. No home phone numbers, home addresses, or mobile phone numbers are publicly available. 
  2. For officers and ministry leaders, we list names and church-based email addresses. 
  3. For adult members and regular attenders, we sometimes list names when a person is a contact for some group or activity. We will not list your personal email addresses unless you have specifically given permission. We will not list your phone number unless you have specifically given permission. We will not put your name in a caption to a photo or video of you without your permission.
  4. For youth and children, we will not list any personal information whatsoever. Any photos of children (which are posted only with parent permission; see below) will never have the children’s names in the caption.

Image Use Policy

It is a privilege for us to include images of church members and guests at events at FCF in our print and web publications. We want to respect and honor that privilege when we share what’s happening at FCF.

Worship services and other church-related activities may be photographed or videotaped and used in print or web publications. FCF uses photos and videos taken at church events so that members and attenders can celebrate God’s grace at work and visitors can know what to expect.

However, because the dissemination of photographs and videos online cannot be tightly controlled, it is FCF’s policy to protect the privacy of church members and attenders, their minor children, and other individuals whose images we publish. When using photos or video of FCF events, we follow these guidelines:

  1. If you are an adult, your image may be used for any print or web publication of FCF unless you fill out an Image Use Opt-Out Form. (Please contact the church office at 410-323-0202 if you have trouble accessing this online form.) 
  2. We will not put names as captions with photos, except for pastors, staff, or other adult members who have given expressed written consent.
  3. We will not use images of any child unless and until their parent or guardian fills out the Image Permissions and Use form. The child’s name will not be included with the child’s image. 
  4. We will not knowingly use an image that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to anyone in the image. 
  5. We will gladly remove any image immediately upon request. If you see an image that includes you or your child and would like it removed, please contact the church office with the details, and it will be removed as soon as possible. (Please note that we cannot control images posted to sites that are not under the control of FCF staff.) You’ll be sent the opt-out form to keep your request on record so it won’t happen again. 
  6. If you have opted-out and change your mind, you’ll need to fill out the Image Permissions and Use form to opt back in. 
  7. The church office will maintain all image policy forms and create a database to be available to those who have permission to publish material.
  8. If you submit images to be used by FCF, you are giving the church the right to use the photos in any kind of promotion for the church. These images must also not contain any copyrighted material for which permission has not been received.
  9. We will gladly provide credit, if desired, to the person who took a particular photo, and we will gladly honor any copyright wishes or restrictions.