2024 FCF Men's Retreat
September 13, 2024 to September 15, 2024
All Day
When are we going?
Friday, September 13th - Sunday, September 15th
Where are we staying?
Black Rock Retreat Center
1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566
(Outside of Lancaster, PA)
How much to participate?
Covers lodging, meals, and activities
- Adult (3-5 ppl/room): $185 (13 slots; first come, first served)
- Adult (10 ppl/room): $150
- Youth (12+): $120
What are we going to talk about?
Unity & Community - a study through Ephesians
Fifteen minute devotional sessions followed by a fireside-style discussion moderated by a panel of FCF members.
What else are we going to do?
Bring your hiking stick, a favorite board game, or a conversation topic to share! We will have active and less-active organized activities for all to participate.
Please spread the word and RSVP as soon as you are able. We are always accepting donations for scholarships! Looking forward to seeing you there! We will be sending packing and carpooling information as the date draws nearer.