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Parenting Adult Children (seminar)

Are you perplexed or distressed at the choices your adult children make? Are you confused about who they have become and what your relationship can or should look like now? Wondering what your role should be as a Christian parent of adults?

Come to the seminar we're hosting!

Parenting Adult Children: New Roles, Realistic Goals, and Navigating the Challenges

February 27th from 9:30am to 11:30am

Topics include:

  • the big picture of God’s purposes for relationships
  • assessing the health and maturity of your relationship
  • exploring how our changing world impacts family relationships
  • clarifying goals and priorities
  • what to strive for and what to avoid
  • how to love well in disappointment or pain


The seminar is free, but registration is requested (it helps us prepare the right amount of handouts, etc).

Register by calling or emailing the church office:

410 323 0202


Or by RSVP'ing to the Facebook event.

Hope to see you there!