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2023 FCF Men's Retreat

WhenJoin us from Friday, May 5th through Sunday, May 7th at...
Where: Black Rock Retreat Center as we seek to enjoy...
What: a rejuvenating time of fellowship and brotherhood...
Who: for you and any other men (ages 12+) you would like to bring!

Registration Form (Open until April 19th)

This year, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a guest speaker! A familiar name to us, Reverend Brad Bier and his family used to attend FCF and served a church planting apprenticeship with us from 2001-2003. Since then they have been faithfully serving in the Chicago area. Stay tuned for more about our next guest speaker!
Building on our 2022 study of Psalm 31, we will be exploring the idea of Growing as Men in The Image of Christ. Reverend Bier will lead us in this study followed by small group discussions, prayer, and reflections on the material. 
In addition to our study, there will also be designated times for outdoor sports and organized group activities as well as indoor games. If you are looking for something a little slower, we will be creating spaces to sit down and enjoy some relaxing time together.
Please feel welcome to attend even if your finances are not currently in the state for it. Full and partial scholarships are able to be requested during the registration survey!
For those who are able, the Men's Ministry team would like to raise $2,000 toward our scholarship fund this year - your generous donation will secure a spot for those who would like to come but currently lack the financial resources to do so. Please donate through the registration form or by speaking to any of the Men's Ministry leaders. Anonymous donations can be made through the church offering marked for the men's retreat. Thank you.